- 飛利浦只提供對於產品的保養、維修或更換,任何安裝或拆除成本均不包括於條款內。
- 請保留發票正本,作日後保用跟進之用。
- 保用期由購買日期開始,即發票或單據上的印刷日期一切以此為準。
- 保用範圍只限該產品於一般正常使用情況下方為有效。一切人為損壞;不依說明書指引使用;因意外而造成之損害;非經飛利浦香港授權零售商進口之產品;錯誤或疏忽使用產品;不適當之安裝等,本合約自動終止。
未能找到需要的資訊?請致電 2353 0777 聯絡我們,我們很樂意為您提供協助。
Product Warranty
The warranty service that Philips provides for our products include free repair and parts for the period specified by the individual product and subject to the terms and conditions therein and in this agreement.
Warranty terms and conditions:
- Warranty includes repair or replacement of the Product at Philips’ discretion and excludes all additional costs in relation to dismantling and/or reinstallation costs incurred by the Purchaser
- To activate the warranty, the Purchaser must keep the original invoice.
- The warranty period starts on the date of invoice to the Purchaser.
- The Product should be purchased in the authorized dealer shops within Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- This Agreement does not cover (i) any loss, or theft of the Product or any part thereof. (ii) any defect or damage caused by the misuse of the Product, negligence or wrongful act of the Purchaser or any third party; or (iii) any loss or damage to the Product due to any force majeure event including but not limited to lightning, flooding earthquake or thunder.
Click here for detailed warranty terms and conditions.
Still couldn’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us at 2353 0777, and we’ll help you out.