Zenox Arcadia is the one-stop-shop for your gaming/ smart home needs. Here we display our full range to products including Desks, chairs, and Sim Rigs at your experiencing pleasure. Multiple fully functional set-ups for PC Gaming, Smart Home, Console Gaming , and Home Office purposes. Come visit us and try them all out to your heart's content!

位於荃灣,Zenox Arcadia體驗店能夠一站式滿足您的房間大改造/智能家居嘅需要。呢度陳列哂Zenox所有枱,凳,同賽車架。我地更以PC Gaming, Console Gaming, 同Home Office 作爲主題設計左多個組合。歡迎過嚟問清楚,試清楚最適合你產品!

Address: Unit 104 - 105 (1/F), Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan
地址:荃灣美環街1時貿中心104 - 105 室 (一樓) 

Arcadia Phone No. 門市電話: 5543 2543
*Business Hours 營業時間*
Mon - Sun 1100 - 2000 星期一至日早上十一點到晚上八點